quarta-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2010

Para descer à terra... A música consegue fazê-lo... Editors - Munich (Live@Lowlands)

Porque energia é precisa...
Porque estou cansado...
Porque preciso de descer à terra... e a música consegue fazê-lo...
PS: Uma boa maneira de nos libertarmos aos 3.25min...

People are fragile things, you should know by now be careful what you put them through...

I'm so glad I've found this
I'm so glad I did

I'm so glad I've found this
I'm so glad I did

People are fragile things, you should know by now
Be careful what you put them through

People are fragile things, you should know by now
You'll speak when you're spoken to
It breaks when you don't force it
It breaks when you don't try
It breaks if you don't force it
It breaks if you don't try

People are fragile things, you should know by now
Be careful what you put them through

People are fragile things, you should know by now
You'll speak when you're spoken to

With one hand you calm me
With one hand I'm still

With one hand you calm me
With one hand I'm still

People are fragile things, you should know by now
Be careful what you put them through

People are fragile things, you should know by now
You'll speak when you're spoken to

You'll speak when you're spoken to
You'll speak when you're spoken to
He'll speak when he's spoken to
She'll speak when she's spoken to

4 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

One of my favourites!


Algures disse...

Mine too!
The best live version i heard was @ MTV_Live_31-05-07... Great gig... full of energy!

PS: Avaiable somewhere near you ;-)

Zlati disse...

Ohh..eu também estou a precisar de energia...
Espero que esteja a correr tudo bem por aí:) beijo

Algures disse...

Energia? Onde é que ela anda?! Ainda por cima a esta hora não posso levantar o volume (o jack do mic marou...).
Por aqui (desculpa mas esta é à velho...), vai-se andando e já não é mau, face aos últimos acontecimentos... é preciso é descanso! Espero que o teu "regresso" também esteja a correr bem...